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“CASL’s Mission, Vision, and Core Values statements have evolved to better reflect all that is encompassed in the services we provide to our community.”

Click on the links in the left column to read letters in Chinese and to view our new Mission, Vision, and Core Values (English and Chinese).

Dear CASL Community,

As we welcome the New Year, we are humbled by all of the incredible things our clients and community achieved in 2021. In a time marked by immense challenge and change, it is now more important than ever to reflect on our critical work here at CASL and how we can best serve you. That said, we have exciting news to share!

I am pleased to announce that CASL’s Mission, Vision, and Core Values statements have evolved to better reflect all the services we provide to our community. Working closely with selected CASL stakeholders, Board members, and staff, we revised our Mission, Vision, and Core Values statements to highlight the broadened scope of CASL’s operations and our pledge to cater to the ever-changing needs of our community. This revision process was done with the best interests of our current and future clients in mind. Revising our statements also presented an opportunity to honor the effort CASL is already putting into advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

Throughout the Mission, Vision, and Core Values revision process, there was careful consideration around every update, improvement, and addition made. These changes are meant to reflect the vast extent of our current work here at CASL and acknowledge the vast extent of our influence and reach. The revision of the Mission, Vision, and Core values honors CASL’s progress since its birth over 40 years ago.

Our revitalized Mission, Vision, and Core Values will guide us into the future, encompassing current programming and opening opportunities to expand the services we provide. Just like the original Mission, Vision and Core Values, the new statements will instruct CASL’s programs on how to best provide for the community’s needs as they arise.

We are excited to work with our community to implement CASL’s revitalized Mission, Vision, and Core Values. Our staff is happy to answer all of your questions and support you on this journey with us.

Yours in service,

Paul Luu signature 031821

Paul Luu, CASL CEO